Advanced Peak Shaving

Manage and reduce power demand peaks using tools like battery storage and adjustable loads.

Our solution significantly lowers grid fees, extends asset lifespan, and improves the overall stability of the power grid.
Background and challenges
Peak Shaving is a strategy to minimize grid fees – which are an integral part of electricity costs –  and manage limited grid capacity. It involves either reducing consumption, employing on-site power generation, or using battery energy during peak times.

The challenge lies in its reliance on the highest average energy use within a single dispatch interval (like 15 minutes) annually. A single lapse can lead to increased fees for the entire year, necessitating constant vigilance.
Key benefits of our solution
Our Advanced Peak Shaving solution stands out by offering significant cost savings and enhancing the ROI by extending the lifespan of energy assets.

Extended battery life

Our solution extends battery life by up to 4 to 5 times compared to trivial peak shaving approaches, thereby reducing wear and tear.

This significant extension is a cornerstone of our solution, safeguarding your investment.

Asset protection

Our priority is to protect and extend the life of your assets. We achieve this by reducing the number of battery cycles needed and lowering the maximum charge and discharge C-rates.

Using consumption and production forecasts, we avoid keeping the battery at a high SoC for extended periods.

We act as the safety guards for your investments – we do not benefit from a quicker battery turnover.

Lower grid fees

Effective management of stored battery energy during peak time reduces grid fees, translating into direct cost savings.

Enhanced battery efficiency

Our technology optimizes the round-trip efficiency of batteries, ensuring that more of the stored energy is usable.

Decreased overall energy consumption

Our intelligent approach means using fewer battery cycles, leading to lower battery energy consumption overall.

Capabilities of our
Peak Shaving solution in detail
Explore the capabilities of our Advanced Peak Shaving solution designed to deliver efficiency and savings. Here's how we tackle the challenges with innovative approaches and combine them with our other solutions.

1. Naive (Standard) Peak Shaving

While our Advanced Peak Shaving is more efficient, Naive Peak Shaving remains essential for fuse protection and supply security – especially when the grid connection point's maximum current limit at a location is insufficient.

How it works

This method quickly discharges the battery to manage demand peaks above the grid's capacity.

It can operate alongside Advanced Peak Shaving, with each having distinct priorities.

This results in higher battery cycle usage and higher overall consumption.

2. Advanced (Forecasted) Peak Shaving

The advantage of Advanced Peak Shaving is that, unlike Naive Peak Shaving, it forecasts the expected average peak for each dispatch interval.

This ensures minimal battery usage while intelligently leveling out consumption spikes, thereby reducing grid fees by leveraging battery storage efficiently.

How it works

The application actively monitors electricity consumption and on-site production in real-time, forecasts potential consumption peaks, and utilizes stored battery energy to mitigate these peaks.

3. Automated Peak Target Adjustment

Enhances peak shaving efficiency and cost-effectiveness by dynamically adjusting targets based on energy demand and forecasts.

This process improves battery health and lifespan by maintaining optimal SoC levels.

How it works

Long-term forecasts are utilized for fully automated optimization of peak targets – especially under unexpected load conditions.

This feature adapts to changing consumption patterns, ensuring peak shaving is efficient without manual intervention.

4. Forecasted Peak Shaving in combination with Solar-Plus-Storage

How it works

This method balances two conflicting State of Charge (SoC) objectives: storing maximum solar energy and maintaining enough SoC for effective Peak Shaving. It identifies the optimal SoC start point for each day, maximizing self-generated solar power use and reducing grid reliance.

Combining Advanced Peak Shaving with 24-hour weather forecasting, it strategically manages battery storage alongside solar-plus-storage systems. Accurate solar energy predictions enable more efficient battery management.
Unlike traditional systems that may waste surplus solar energy by feeding it back to the grid, our method uses weather predictions to set the ideal battery SoC. If high solar production is expected, the battery starts the day at a lower SoC, allowing more self-produced energy to be stored.

This increases on-site solar utilization and overall energy system efficiency.


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