Unlock the full potential of your solar power system with our innovative Solar-Plus-Storage solution.

Our platform enhances the effectiveness of solar panels by integrating them with energy storage and advanced forecasting algorithms. This improves the utilization of generated solar energy, prolongs the life of storage systems, and optimizes overall energy use and savings.

Optimized Solar-Plus-Storage

Background and challenges
Solar-plus-storage integrates solar photovoltaic (PV) systems with energy storage solutions, typically batteries, but also includes thermal and mechanical storage options.

This integration allows for the storage of excess solar energy for use during non-sunny periods, peak demand times, or grid outages, ensuring a consistent and reliable energy supply.

Additionally, it provides the opportunity to sell excess energy on power markets at favorable prices.
However, solar-plus-storage systems face several challenges that need to be addressed to maximize their potential. Balancing immediate energy use and battery health is crucial, requiring optimization of self-consumption while maintaining the storage system's longevity. Accurate price forecasting is essential for strategies like delayed grid feed-in to maximize financial returns.

Furthermore, prioritizing stored or solar energy over grid consumption enhances efficiency and cost savings, making these systems more sustainable and economically viable.
Key benefits of our solution
Our solution is designed to not only meet these challenges but to redefine the standards of efficiency and sustainability in the solar-plus-storage sector. Here are the key benefits:

Maximize PV self-consumption

Reduce grid feed-in and make the most of your solar energy directly. Enhance self-sufficiency and reduce reliance on the grid.

Extended Battery Life

Safeguard your investment and extend battery life by up to 4 to 5 times. Our platform ensures batteries operate within their ideal SoC range by dynamically managing charging and discharging cycles. To prevent stress and degradation, we optimize the State of Power (SoP) and monitor temperature conditions, too. This comprehensive management prolongs battery life and enhances overall system performance and efficiency.

Optimize electricity profits

Strategically sell PV surplus at optimal times to maximize financial returns and manage energy resources efficiently.

Flexible prioritization

Tailor the system to prioritize PV self-consumption or battery life based on user preferences and needs.

Hardware vendor agnostic

Our versatile SDK platform ensures compatibility with a wide range of hardware, providing flexibility and ease of integration for various setups.

Minimize undesired extra grid consumption

Intelligently manage energy storage and consumption by using short-term forecasts and considering fluctuations and timing differences to minimize unnecessary grid usage. Particularly beneficial for diverse types of consumers where consumption cannot be easily controlled.

Capabilities of our Solar-Plus-Storage solution in detail
Experience the innovation of our Solar-Plus-Storage solution, designed for efficiency and savings. We reduce battery stress, extend lifespan, and optimize energy use with accurate power production and price forecasting.

The standard approach:

Naive Charge / Discharging Strategy

How it works:

The traditional approach, often referred to as the naive or greedy strategy, involves charging the battery as quickly as possible whenever there is a surplus in PV production. Once the battery is full, any additional energy is fed into the grid.
Conversely, when PV production drops, this strategy discharges the battery rapidly until it is empty, after which energy is drawn from the grid. This method, while straightforward, can lead to inefficient energy management and excessive wear on the battery.

The Frequenz approach

Forecasted Charge / Discharging Strategy

How it works:

How it works

This method maintains a steady energy flow, minimizes high and low state of charge (SoC) extremes, and protects the battery from rapid degradation. By knowing when high solar production is expected, the battery can start the day at a lower SoC, ensuring there is enough capacity to store surplus energy.
Our sophisticated strategy utilizes weather data to forecast daily energy production and optimize the charging and discharging processes. Instead of charging the battery at maximum power immediately, we adjust the charge rate based on predicted production and consumption needs.

Advantages of our Solution

Advantages of our solution

1. Battery Power

The naive strategy employs high charge and discharge powers, putting a lot of stress on the battery in a short amount of time. The rapid charging and discharging cycles can lead to significant wear and tear, thereby reducing the battery’s lifespan.
By moderating the power used for charging and discharging to maintain a constant, forecast-driven value, our sophisticated strategy effectively manages the State of Power (SoP). This controlled approach minimizes stress on the battery, reducing the rate of degradation and enhancing overall battery health.

2. Depth of Discharge and Charge / State of Charge (SoC)

The greedy strategy keeps the battery at very high or very low SoC levels for extended periods. Frequent deep discharges and charges accelerate wear and reduce the battery's overall lifespan.
Our approach ensures the battery operates within an optimal SoC range most of the time, avoiding keeping the battery at high and low states over an extended period of time. By maintaining moderate SoC levels and avoiding deep discharges and charges, we enhance battery health and longevity. This intelligent management reduces the depth of discharge and charge cycles, significantly extending the battery's usable life.

3. Solar-Plus-Storage with Price and Power Forecasting

Our solution uses advanced algorithms to decide when to discharge the battery for self-consumption, store surplus energy, or trade energy with the grid. This is based on accurate forecasts of prices, power production, and consumption patterns.

Later, we strategically choose the time period when to consume the stored energy during peak price times to avoid purchasing energy at the high costs.
In the example shown, power production exceeds consumption but we cannot store the full excess energy in the battery. To determine which fraction is stored, we choose the time period where market prices are the lowest. The rest is sold to the grid when prices are higher.


Thank you for your interest in Frequenz. Please fill out our contact form. We will reach you shortly after. You are also welcome to contact us via email or directly via phone.

T  +49 30 229 089 190
M  info@frequenz.com

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